Kingston Upon Thames Association for the Blind

Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given, that the Association is holding its Annual General Meeting

Dear Member,

KAB Annual General Meeting 2024

I have great pleasure in inviting you to the KAB AGM on Tuesday June 11th from 10.45am to 2.30pm, which will be held at the Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield East, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2PT.

A buffet lunch will be provided, and you will be entertained by our guest speaker Mr Ian Williams, a Voice over artist.

Please could you kindly let the KAB office know whether you are able to attend, by emailing or calling 020 8605 0060 and leaving a message.

For catering and organisational purposes, we would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by no later than 28th May.

If you cannot attend you may vote by proxy, a form for this process is included. This can either be completed and sent by post, email or you can call the office to complete over the phone. Proxy forms need to be received no later than 28th May.

On this webpage you can download the Agenda, Annual Review 2023, Proposed CIO paper, and the Proxy form.

We hope as many members as possible will come along to support your charity.

We look forward to seeing you.

Warmest regards,

Roy Smith MBE
Chair of Trustees
Kingston Upon Thames Association for the Blind

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