Sight and Hearing Service - Local information about the Sight and Hearing Service within the Borough.

Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (RNIB)- Sabeena Weyhenage 07864 936720 and Kyle Phillips 07871990796
Vision Foundation - London's sight loss charity. We change lives and we save sight.

easyfundraising - Shop online with over 3300 retailers and a free donation will also go to KAB.

RNIB - See Differently. UK's leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people.

Thomas Pocklington Trust - A charity committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of the needs of people with sight loss and to developing and implementing services which meet their needs and improve lives.

Visionary - A membership organisation for local sight loss charities.

Kingston Centre for Independent Living - Seeks to ensure that all disabled people across the Royal Borough of Kingston live as independently as they choose.

Connected Kingston - A website where Kingston residents can find local services and activities to help them feel more involved in their community, meet new people and make some changes to improve their health and wellbeing.

London Vision - Supporting blind and partially sighted people who live, work and study in London.

Malden and Coombe Blind Club
The Club has been meeting for over 30 years. It meets fortnightly throughout the year on alternate Wednesday afternoons between 2.00 and 4.00 p.m. at Christ Church Hall, Coombe Road, New Malden.Membership is available to registered blind or partially sighted persons who live in New Malden, Kingston, Worcester Park and surrounding areas.The Club has a varied programme of activities including, music, visits (to Richmond Park, Hampton Court and an annual Thames Cruise) and a Christmas party/luncheon. Members pay £20 per year which helps towards the cost of a home-made afternoon tea and entertainment. Outings are reasonably priced as they are subsidised from club funds.Mini bus transport makes it possible for all who need transport to be brought to meetings.
For further information please call David Robson on 0208 546 9662 or 07881 348360
Surbiton Club for the Blind
The Club has been meeting for over 50 years. It meets fortnightly throughout the year on alternate Tuesday afternoons 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall, Ewell Road, Surbtion (next to the Fire Station).Membership is available to registered blind or partially sighted persons who live in Surbiton, Tolworth and Chessington .The Club has a varied programme of activities including speakers, music, visits (to Richmond Park, Hampton Court etc) and a Christmas luncheon. Members pay £2 at ordinary meetings in the hall to help towards the cost of a home-made afternoon tea and the entertainment. Outings are reasonably priced as they are subsidised from club funds.A team of volunteer drivers make it possible for all who need transport to be brought to meetings free of charge.Further sighted helpers are needed – particularly those who are able to provide transport to and from meetings on a regular or occasional basis when holidays etc reduce the availability of drivers.
For further information please the clubs mobile on 07443 643716
Macular Society - Support and information for everything to do with macular disease

Speech Radio app
Speech Radio, brings you access to Worldwide radio stations, through the sound of your voice, or touch of a button.
This application brings simplicity and variety, along with two unique features. Firstly, the entire app can be driven by your voice and works alongside your existing ‘VoiceOver’ feature. Secondly the ability to say “Speech off” taking the application to gesture mode. Where you can use swipes and double taps to navigate all the content. Bringing the perfect balance when you are unable or don’t want to use your voice to control the application.
Download links
Talking Newspaper app
National charity British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF) and The Talking News Federation (TNF) have joined forces to bring together local Talking Newspapers from across the UK.
This app features over 200 regional Talking Newspapers, making it easier to keep up with what’s going on in your own community or in areas where you may have friends or family.
Download links
Calibre - A National Charity providing a subscription free service of unabridged audio books for both adults and children.

Seeing Ear - A National Accessible Library for people with a visual impairment, providing accessible format books at no cost to the user.

Cobolt Systems - Helping you achieve an independent lifestyle

Humanware - See things differently

Partially Sighted Society - Helping people with a visual impairment

Dolphin - Home of Guide and SuperNova

Optelec - Life is worth living

Age UK - Trusted Traders - Find a checked and vetted trader

British Wireless for the Blind - Providing the joy of sound along with companionship of radio.

Research Institute for Disabled Consumers - Working towards an inclusive and accessible life for all

Braille Chess Association - Their aim is to encourage and support the playing of chess at all levels by blind and partially sighted people.