Kingston Upon Thames Association for the Blind


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Help us fundraise for The Kingston Association for the Blind

Join the fun—participate, sponsor someone, or simply donate to our cause.

Losing some or all of one's vision can be frightening and life-changing. The Kingston Association for the Blind assists individuals in adjusting to sight loss by providing a range of activities and services.

In Kingston, approximately 5,000 residents are living with visual impairments or blindness. Our mission is to extend our support to each individual in need, ensuring that no one has to cope alone.

The Kingston Association for the Blind needs your support! Any donation, regardless of size, will contribute to our cause.


The Fun Fundraising Triathlon is scheduled for: Sunday, September 29, 2024, in New Malden, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

The event will feature three activities: Dance, Running or Walking, and Swimming.

We offer 30 places, and the participation fee is £10. Participants will receive a KAB Navy T-shirt.

To participate, please download the registration form below, a word version and  a PDF version, complete it, and email  to to begin fundraising!

Upon receipt of your application, we will send an email to confirm your participation, along with a sponsor form and full details of the event.

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